The basic mistakes in designing training programs

Organizations invest in multiple training programs to up skill their employees and equip them with dynamic, constantly changing business environments. According to benchmark studies for the year…


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On Avocados

Interesting development: apparently, it’s not an avocado plant in the window. It reminds me of Mary’s avocado plant, if her plant had a few more leaves, but when I asked my friendly barista whether it was or not, she told me “I don’t know what it is, but it’s not an avocado plant.”

Not an avocado

She told me that the leaves were much darker on an avocado plant, and then elaborated that when they get big they become quite scary. Why? Well, because they’re covered in spiders, of course!

Where she’s from in Australia they grow avocados, and apparently it’s a common summer job when you’re young to pick those avocados. She cringed as she told me “You just have to be really careful…”

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