Can you guess which jokes were invented by the computer?

Can computers come up with jokes? That’s what I asked myself today. Even if it seems a complicated task even for AI, I wanted to give it a try using GPT-3. And it looks like it worked! GPT-3 seems…


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Why are you so happy?

Asked ‘Why am I so happy’ while Trekking through the beautiful Nepal (Photo credit: Sarah Healy)

I can vividly remember the first time I was asked this question.

As I was trekking to Everest Base camp in Nepal at the time. Basking by the glow of a blazing fire in a cozy tea house while a blizzard raged outside. Surrounded by great company which consisted of trekkers from all parts of the world and local Sherpas. It was difficult not to feel an intense form of bliss. I surveyed the scene and thought how lucky am I to be playing cards on a side of a mountain in one of the most picturesque places on earth.

My moment of bliss was interrupted by the words of a gentleman who had been observing me. He hailed from the Netherlands and was part of our group who were playing cards.

‘Why are you so happy?’ he asked quizzically, while continuing ‘ you have the perfect look of contentment on your face’.

He said this in a way that suggested such contentment eluded him. I was surprised by the question. I pondered from a moment. Then I thought about where in the world I was, what it had taken to get here and I replied

‘How can I not be happy?’ ‘Just look at where we are!’

Breathtaking Nepal (Photo credit: Sarah Healy)

We succumbed to the relaxed atmosphere of the house once again. Raucous laughter filled the air, genuine smiles lit up the faces of those around me. No TV meant that people conversed, played and formed genuine connections. It was comforting to witness.

This was not to be an isolated incident. I found that as I continued to travel I was repeatedly asked this question.

In Tasmania, during a dinner with some friends I was introduced to a distant relative of the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. His name is Sandy Shaw. Hailing from Ireland and with a deep love of literature I found this tremendously exciting. After christening me as ‘Tinklebell’ due to my constant laughter over dinner Sandy asked ‘Why are you so happy?’ with that familiar quizzical look.

This question continues to plague me as I traverse Australia.

Recently I acquired a job in hospitality where I work in a number of areas including reception and the restaurant. I have…

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