Senior Shuttle Software RFP in Boston

Age Strong Boston is deeply committed to facilitating full and equal participation in all aspects of life by older adults in Boston. The Senior Shuttle — which provides free transportation to older…


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3 Practical Tips To Write Truly Emotional Stories

Manipulating your emotional barrier and selective word choice helps to create dramatic content

Let’s get it out of the way:

If we want our readers to be unable to put our books or articles aside, we need to understand how to create captivating stories. We want them to be lured into a world they cannot escape. We want them to write reviews, confessing they cried for days or burst out laughing when reading our book.

If people aren’t talking about your books this way, maybe it’s because somethings missing to evoke the desired feelings. Read on to find out what this puzzle stone could be and how you can bring it to life in your writing.

Putting words on paper is an act of expressing ourselves. We would assume that authors, who have an inner motivation to tell stories, are also willing to share their most private concerns, fears, and delights.

Emotions make readers lose themselves in books because reading can feel more real than real life. It’s the relationships they build with characters that make them continue with a title because they somehow say exactly what’s on their minds. But authors cannot invent such strong emotions. It’s simply not possible.

Bookworms feel when the author simply assumed the emotions described or if he/she knows exactly what he/she is talking about. If they do, they quickly throw the title away. Knowing comes from experiencing. If you didn’t go through the situations yourself, you must find people who have and who are willing to share their emotions with you.

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