Driving With My Son on Sunday Mornings

The last several weekends, usually early on Sunday mornings after another harrowing night starring a restless just-turned-1-year-old, I roll out of bed, load the baby into his car seat, and set out…


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5 Magic Words That Will Put Every Woman Away

There is no mathematical formula that can be applied to all women when it comes to seduction, but it is recognized that representatives of the beautiful sex are more sensitive to words. Here are the magic words that have a special power over women:

1. My beautiful
The woman in love is and feels beautiful. But don’t hesitate to say it again and again. Her pride will be fueled, and if you’ve managed to convince her that in your eyes she’s the most wonderful being in the world, you’ve taken a big step forward. Pay attention to how and when you say it, so you don’t seem hypocritical.

2. I love you
Every woman wants to be loved and respected. And the first “I love you” lives it with the greatest intensity. But you do not have to rush to blow up this magic formula, because you risk to blow away all its charm. Confess your love only when it exists. And don’t hesitate to say “I love you” in the morning, at noon and at night. There is never too much in a woman’s vision. And, from time to time, replace words with eyes. Love can be seen in the eyes.

3. Thank you for existing
Gratitude is probably one of the most beautiful declarations of love. “Thank you for existing” are the words that no woman can resist. They are overwhelming, they fascinate by their essence. You show him that he has a purpose, that of completing you, of being your half.

4. You will be the best mother
Women are created to be mothers. Tell her you’re convinced she’s going to be the best mother of your children and you’ve done it right away. There are few women who do not dream of being mothers, so your words will only be a promise that his ideals will come true.

5. Help me
Appeal to emotions. Women like strong men they can rely on, but at the same time they are happy to make themselves useful. Ask him for help, show him that you are a man too, with his weaknesses and needs.You will not be less brave in his eyes, on the contrary, you will gain the respect that you know how to recognize your weaknesses. And she’ll be happy to be able to support you when you need it.

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