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Best Ways To Promote A Dropshipping Store

Dropshipping is a popular fulfillment method that has grown out of the entrepreneurial spirit of the current tech era. Before we dive into details about the dropshipping model, let’s first talk a bit about the traditional ecommerce business models. Here’s what it looked like some 10 years ago:

Although profit margins are low, the dropshipping model completely eliminates inventory risk. This encourages more and more people to start their own online businesses — especially millennials and Gen Z’ers who have incredible digital marketing capabilities.

Now that you have an idea of what dropshipping model involves, let’s take a look at some useful marketing strategies to promote your dropshipping ecommerce store:

The amazing thing about Facebook is that it allows you to manage multiple ads and analyze their performance through a single platform.

From how-to videos to vlogs, you have quite a few options depending on what kind of product you are selling.

Make sure you are adding catchy call-to-actions towards the end.

Remarketing, as the name suggests, is a marketing strategy to target people who have previously visited your website, but did not make any purchases. Since they have visited your website, you know that the intent was there.

Micro-influencers have become a new social media phenomenon. They are not celebrities or experts — they are just regular people who share content about their interests and who have a substantial number of followers.

If you are selling fashion products, you might want to get on-board an influencer who is trusted for fashion advice.

Hearing them endorse your products makes people more likely to buy them. Campaigns driven by micro-influencers have 60% more engagement rates.

Influencer marketing works because people love to hear from somebody like them. What’s more, it humanizes your brand.

Before selecting a micro-influencer, make sure you have checked their Instagram accounts. They should have thousands of followers and their posts should be very engaging.

As a dropshipping merchant, or any business owner for that matter, you want to establish your credibility with the online audience. Blogging is one of the most effective ways to do that.

People read blogs all the time and they love it. According to WordPress, 409 million people read around 21.9 billion blog pages every month.

Blogs are also great for SEO purposes. With relevant, high-quality content, you are viewed favorably by Google and it will be more likely to rank you higher, enhancing your organic reach.

As a dropshipping merchant, having testimonials written by your customers inspires trust. It shows that you have made successful sales.

Encourage your customers to rate your products and write about their experiences. This will encourage potential customers to buy from you.

Becoming a successful dropshipping merchant requires you to implement tactics, test them, analyze them and continue with the ones that work. It demands continuous hard work. You will face hurdles along the way, but you have got to continue. Persistence is key.

Still new to dropshipping? Drop in your questions in the comments’ section below!

Sajjad Shahid, Ecommerce Community Manager at Cloudways

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