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Entre enero y junio han muerto asesinadas en Cali 589 personas. Un tercio tenía entre 18 y 24 años. 93 de cada 100 personas asesinadas son hombres. Y son hombres casi todos los victimarios. Dice…


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4 Reasons You Should Exercise That Have Nothing to Do with Appearance

There’s more to exercise than just losing weight

“Ugh,” my best friend says, grabbing the flab around his midsection. “I need to get in shape.”

This is the way most of us decide we need to hit the gym more: we look in the mirror and instead of seeing celebrity-like towers of muscles and curves, we see vaguely disappointing muffin tops and gobble chins. A couple of weeks, a couple of drinks, and one new year's resolution later, and we’re with our friends at the gym for the first time in far too long.

Anyone who’s been round that horn a few times knows how demoralizing a cycle it is. You go to the gym for a few months, lose the weight, get in shape, stop going so often because it’s time-consuming, gain back the weight, feel bad about yourself, decide you need to go to the gym, start going, and… you get the idea.

In response, a wonderful body positivity movement has sprung up that is trying desperately to tell us a few important things:

On the whole, I’m thrilled the body positivity movement exists. But I have one core complaint with it, which is that it seems to encourage people not to exercise. After all, if you’re happy with the way you look, why would you bother spending all that time in the gym to change the way you look?

Well, because exercise has many more benefits than changing the way you look. That’s why.

The more you exercise, the stronger you are. The stronger you are, the more things you are able to do: spend a long day getting things done at work, go on a charity walk for breast cancer, or just spend all Saturday playing with your kids in the backyard.

But when you’re physically weak, you’re not able to enjoy these activities. You have to sit out of the…

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